10 Video Game Cliffhangers That Went NOWHERE

3. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (2010)

Days Gone

Golden Sun is a Nintendo franchise that flew under the radar and faded into obscurity, which is a shame as the three games it produced are damn good. Sadly, as is often the case with a forgotten series, this trilogy didn't wrap its story up in a tight little bow, as the ending of the third instalment was left very unresolved. 

Dark Dawn puts you in charge of a quartet of magic-wielders (known as Adepts) who happen to be descendants of the previous protagonists. You venture across the world to end a dark threat known as Psynergy Vortexes, an unexplained phenomenon that feeds off magic. 

Ultimately, the party succeeds in their mission, defeating the baddies and returning home hoping for some well-earned rest. However, just as things are wrapping up, one of the characters ominously points into the distance, and the camera pans to show a massive Psynergy Vortex. Now, that cannot be good. 

Unfortunately, the huge implications of this climax were never addressed, as the game undersold and never got a sequel. 

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!