10 Video Game Clones That Kicked Your (Own) Ass

6. Commander Shepard? - Mass Effect 3: Citadel

Metroid dark samus

"It's not stealing if I'm you"

Honestly the clone version of Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC was so utterly detestable that many of us couldn't wait to fight them. From kicking your ass, sneering in your face the clone goes on to steal your ship, claim to be the perfected version of you, and then has the gall to overrite your DNA files in an attempt to erase you from history.

Oh and also it's utterly mad as well declaring that it will create a Shepard that only helps humans and not other alien races like some sort of space racist.

Cloned from the same DNA as you and being only seen as spare parts by Cerberus, the clone used this anger as the driving force to take the original down. This results in one of the best boss battles in the game, if not the series as you tussle and exchange biotic powers in a hanger come the close of the DLC.

Even in death the clone has a few choice words, asking you what is the point of living and falling to it's death even if you try to save it as an act of defiance.

Utter prick.

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