10 Video Game Collector's Editions That Were Total Rip-Offs

5. Fallout 4 - Pip Boy Edition

The Witcher 3

When the Fallout 4- Pip Boy Edition was announced at E3, it was met with crowds of thunderous applause. If only they knew.

Having your own Pip-Boy is the dream of many a Fallout fan, and the fact that Bethesda would be releasing one alongside the next Fallout game made it all the sweeter. Packaging made it look like a pretty hefty collectible, perhaps made out of a sturdy material.

In addition to this, the Pip-Boy would even be compatible with the game itself through a phone app, meaning that it wasn't just something to display.

The real Pip-Boy edition though? Completely plastic, and completely pointless.

Fallout 4's Pip-Boy edition retailed for about $100, which meant you were paying half of that just for the replica itself. Why then, did it have the quality of a cheap plastic toy? Why doesn't it have any cool functionality?

This could have been a dream come true for Fallout fans but it ended up being a huge wasted opportunity. Maybe next time eh?

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.