10 Video Game Deaths That Only Made The Characters Stronger
7. Orcs - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

The nemesis system of the Middle-Earth games allows the series' orcs to develop long-lasting rivalries with you depending on how you deal with them.
Typically, a rivalry begins when you defeat an orc or lose to him in a duel and ends when you decide you've had enough and execute them.
However, as it turns out, sometimes death isn't enough to stop an orc from hating you.
In rare cases, a killed orc can come back from beyond the grave, gaining a special trait called "Cheated Death."
The death-defying orc returns with grievous scars related to the source of their demise, such as burns for those who were set on fire or stitches around the neck for those Talion decapitated. They also gain powerful resistances to the damage kind that felled them, ensuring you won't have an easy time taking them down again.
Shadow of War features a wide variety of orcs who cheated death, one for every type of end they can meet, so you should never assume that just because you killed them, they will no longer be a problem.
If anything, they might as well be an even bigger issue than before.