10 Video Game Deaths You Couldn't Avoid

6. Dan - ObsCure

Borderlands 2 tiny tina
Rocket Studio

One of the coolest things about ObsCure is that, with a single exception, your actions legitimately decide who lives and who dies. You could do a flawless play through of the game and have everyone possible come out the other side. You could do a less flawless playthrough, and kill literally everyone - it's all up to you.

However, regardless of what you do, there's one poor playable soul who cannot be saved: Dan. Despite him being the first teammate you get, and having already suffered through a lot, having been experimented on for an unspecified amount of time, he doesn't escape this ordeal unscathed.

In fact, he doesn't escape this ordeal whatsoever, as after you try and escape the basement of Leafmore where you find him trapped, he is promptly snapped up by the first monster that comes your way.

Though the sequel ups these antics by having two characters you can't save, the stress of watching a kid you just saved from being tortured get swallowed up by a monster tree man is much more intense.

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Borderlands 2
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