10 Video Game Difficulty Modes For The Criminally Insane

2. Resident Evil 7 - Ethan Must Die Mode

Ethan Must Die Title Screen Resident Evil 7

If you thought Resident Evil 7 wasn’t bad enough with it’s in your face VR spooks, then you really should check out the Banned Footage Volume 1 DLC that came out soon after. In this, you play as the titular Ethan and he’s got quite the task ahead of him: survive, with only a knife to his name and all other items randomly hidden in boxes that change every time you die. And you will die.

When you pop your clogs, you’ll see a statue in the place of your last attempt at living and when you break it you get one - one - random piece of the inventory you held when you bit the big one. It. Is. INSANELY INFURIATING.

As you’d expect from such a mental mode, enemy damage is also scaled to hideous levels and can often kill you in one hit. Also some of the boxes have been rigged with traps. Have fun, champ.

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