10 Video Game DLCs That Went Off The Rails

7. Dragon Age: Origins - The Darkspawn Chronicles

red dead redemption

The final mission of Dragon Age: Origins is arguably one of the most climactic and memorable finales in a role-playing game. It is full of twists and turns, and can lead to radically different endings, depending on what choices the player makes along the way.

The Darkspawn Chronicles DLC expands on this idea even further, not only creating an alternative ending to the game but completely restructuring everything that has happened prior to the final fight with the Archdemon.

In the DLC, the player will participate in the last battle from the perspective of the darkspawn, inside an alternate reality where the main character didn't survive their initiation into the order of Grey Wardens. Their companion, Allistair, has taken charge of this group of adventurers instead.

The DLC feels incredibly unique, not only because it allows the player to become the very thing they have sworn to destroy in the main story, but also because it showcases what would have happened to the world if the main character died early on. It's a really interesting "what if" scenario that compensates for the DLC's somewhat limited gameplay.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.