10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Went Too Far

4. Risk Breaking Your Cartridge - Sonic 3D Blast

Trials evolution
Traveller's Tales

While making Sonic 3D Blast, the developers noticed it had a nasty habit of crashing. Lead developer, John Burton, got around this problem by implementing an exception handler.

With this program, the player would be taken to the level select screen if Sonic 3D Blast was about to crash. (This was done to get around Sega's approval process that allows them to publish titles.)

Even though this was a sneaky way to bypass the issue, it caused another problem. By slotting the cartridge into the Genesis incorrectly, players were taken to this secret menu, allowing them to skip to any level.

Unfortunately, this cheat encouraged players to mess around with the cartridge or hit it while the console was on! This sort of behaviour was dangerous, since it could cause irreversible damage to the game or the system.

In hindsight, it's pretty obvious the developers should've remedied the issue, rather than disguise it as a fun little Easter egg. Also, if you want to open the Level Select mode without risking irreparable harm to the cartridge, you can enter a simple code instead.


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