10 Video Game Endings That Shocked The World

5. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask - The Moon Crashes Into Termina

legend of zelda majoras mask

The moon is going to crash into the land of Termina in three days unless a miracle (or Link) can stop it. That is immediate reality introduced in Majora’s Mask, which becomes an ever-pressing concern as the in-game hours tick by and the moon draws closer and closer.

The inhabitants of Termina have seemingly accepted this depressing possibility as their inevitable end and as Link journeys across the land, many are trying to make the most of their final moments. However, until the first time those three days lapse, the player may think they will be greeted with a simple ‘Game Over’ or be given extra time to resolve the situation.

Three days simply is not enough time for a new player to accomplish everything they want to and save the world, right?

Instead, players are met with a cutscene of the gruesome, leering moon crashing into the land and obliterating it just as the beginning of the game warned.

Majora’s Mask can be considered a hauntingly bleak game, but by being able to reset the three days - either due to the Song of Time, or annihilation - the player can strive to prevent meeting with a terrible fate.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!