10 Video Game Endings That Shocked The World

4. Bioshock: Infinite - Drowning

legend of zelda majoras mask
2K Games

Experiencing Bioshock Infinite through the first-person perspective of Booker DeWitt only emphasises the shocking nature of this ending. Both the player and character are left staring up through the ripples at the distorted figures of Elizabeth, as Booker slowly drowns.

Columbia is presented as a stylistic and yet brutal landscape, where death and violence lurk beneath a peaceful façade. Even when Booker and Elizabeth snatch stolen moments of tranquillity, the peace is soon shattered.

As the plot unravels and the mechanics behind the tears across time and space are revealed, a happy ending seems impossible. Yet, after spending so much time growing attached to these characters, the player may still have hope- after all, Booker and Elizabeth have managed this far, right?

Then, it becomes clear that a good end for Columbia may only be possible with the death of Booker. Across multiple timelines, Booker accepted a baptism for his previous sins and was reborn as Zachary Comstock- the game’s antagonist. Only by drowning can Booker prevent the emergence of Comstock.

However, whilst this Booker chooses death, it does not guarantee that the others in alternate timelines will- neither the characters nor player know if this sacrifice will be in vain.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!