10 Video Game Endings That Shocked The World

2. Inside - The Escape

legend of zelda majoras mask

The player starts by controlling a nameless boy, gracefully leaping, and running around a scientific facility. After discovering a group of scientists observing a mysterious enclosure, the boy delves deeper into the facility. Strangely, none of the scientists make any effort to prevent the boy from clambering over or using various pieces of machinery.

Eventually, the boy gains access into the enclosure and sees the entity within- a writhing and pulsating mass of flesh, with human legs protruding from all angles. The player is powerless to prevent the boy from being absorbed into this being, as the scientists watch and applaud.

From this moment, the player may still be controlling the boy, but from “inside” the entity. Gone are the lithe movements, as the escape attempt begins accompanied by the chorus of pained moans every time the bulky entity moves.

Using brute force and desperate tactics, initial revulsion may transform into hope that escape will be possible, as walls, doors and the creature’s limbs are broken.

However, even when grey walls are replaced with green hills, the entity’s motionless body and the realisation that this location was a model inside the facility make this a difficult ending to celebrate.


I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!