10 Video Game Enemies That Will Make You Sick

7. Resident Evil 6 - Lepotica

Resident Evil 7 Eveline

I can't write this word without shuddering: trypophobia.

In layman's terms, it's the uncomfortable feeling at seeing clusters of small holes together. It's pretty gross, even in ordinary things like a honeycomb structure or even something as simple as a crumpet or pomegranate.

In Resident Evil terms, however, it's the Lepotica.

These gross, bloated corpses are covered in holes and pores that from a visual perspective are downright gross. From a "oh god, it gets worse" perspective, these pores release a new strain of virus that infects people and turns them into zombies.


Turns out, the squishy, hole-y body is also the Lepotica's best defence. Shooting it will only cause more gas to release, meaning you have to be still and aim for the head-like area.

That's right, you have to stand still whilst this mass of itty bitty holes is creeping its way towards you. You have to root yourself to the spot and play marksman on something that is covered in tiny holes filled with gas and god knows what else with every second you're not hitting it in the head.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.