10 Video Game Enemies That Will Make You Sick

6. Sekiro - The Headless

Resident Evil 7 Eveline
From Software

Surprisingly, FromSoftware's Eastern effort doesn't retain that inherently gross factor that Dark Souls and Bloodborne wear with pride.

It's more Asian archetypes for bosses; hanyo masks and naginatas, dragons and folklore, really.

Well, with the exception of the Headless.

Said to be the fallen warriors of the same in-game item you receive from each one, these foes are not fun fights to take on. Stumbling upon one and not fleeing will really mess up Sekiro's day.

Challenge aside, the general atmosphere around a Headless is massively oppressive and gross too.

They cause a massive build up of the Terror ailment, as I'd imagine a headless beast would. Yet that's not all: it's when they grab you that the sick bit comes in.

A Headless will, with great gusto, try and remove Sekiro's shirikodama - a mythical ball said to contain the soul. From where, you may wonder. It's not like the Wolf has a multitude of pockets about his person.

Unless you count nature's pocket...

That's right: a Headless will try, without any finesse, to remove your soul from your butt. That's just nasty.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.