10 Video Game Fates So Hilarious They Were Horrifying
9. Sweet, Sweet Irony - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Of all the people you encounter hunting after El Dorado, Atoq Navarro is likely the worst. He's not hunting it for the fun of getting treasure or to sell it, after all - no, Navarro is fully aware that the artefact is a bioweapon, and fully intends to utilise that fact.
So you can be forgiven for considering his death a kind of poetic justice. After spending so long clamouring after the sarcophagus, Atoq eventually gets his hands on it - or, at least, he gets his leg on it, and the rope that connected the El Dorado the the helicopter carrying it becomes wrapped around his leg. When the helicopter crashes into the sea, it drags the villain down with it, letting him finally beat everyone in getting to the coffin - although this does come at the cost of him drowning to death.
It's a beautiful twist of irony, but one that makes you worry about yourself just a little, as you're unlikely to be anything but grateful when he does go. Should have learnt from The Mummy, really - don't mess with ancient sarcophagi.