10 Video Game Features Only Hardcore Gamers Unlocked

6. The Final Bowser Battle - Super Mario Odyssey

bloodborne orphan of kos

Generally speaking, the Super Mario titles aren’t considered especially difficult (Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels aside) as I mean accessibility is Mario’s watchword, after all.

If players simply want to see Super Mario Odyssey’s story through to its conclusion, they shouldn’t have too much difficulty in doing so. Defeating the game’s true final boss is a different story entirely, however.

There are some major platforming challenges ahead, and an absurd total of 999 moons to collect. It’s a tremendous slog just to nab them all, as menial and simple as some of them are.

On doing so, however, the player gains access to another, much more difficult battle with Bowser.

Victory here grants the final prize: a simple postcard thanking the player for their dedication.

Dedication is the word, as only the most committed players make it this far.

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