10 Video Game Features Players Used To Love (But Are Now Sick Of)

8. Towers

Just Cause 4 Open World

Some games can be unimaginably beautiful, and quite often a player will seek out an area they consider to be screenshot worthy.

Pairing scenic views and an objective to complete in order to reveal the game's map, Assassin's Creed had people climb to high-up places as Altair to synchronise data to the Animus. This would then show the locations around him to the player.

Since then, several games have followed suit, and had players climb up the peaks of what are usually towers to reveal the map or objectives/collectables nearby.

Admittedly, this is usually in Ubisoft games, and they are aware of this; adding dialog to Far Cry 5 when climbing a tower as a reference to just how many there have been previously in other instalments. Yet, there are other games that have used this feature, or very similar - take Dying light as an example.

Adding a way to not have everything revealed to players immediately is a great idea, as this allows for gradual exploration and completion of activities. But surely there are more creative ways to do this that don't involve having to climb to an area only to have to go right back down after hitting a button prompt.

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Studied psychology at university, but it just wasn't my cup of tea. Instead, I'm pursuing a career in games journalism and I'm excited to see where it takes me.