10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

8. Area 51

the suffering

A fun and very X-Files feeling plot and David Duchovny to boot? This sci fi first person shooter has gone sadly overlooked despite its considerable merits.

Area 51 went all out with its daft plot, which is always admirable. Taking in everything from the Roswell UFO crash to the Illuminati and alien-designed genetic warfare, the game takes that particular brand of 90s conspiratorial sci-fi and pushes it to the max.

Add to this the stellar voice cast including the aforementioned Duchovny as well as Powers Boothe and Ian Abercrombie to name a few and you have an excellent single player experience.

The principle gameplay mechanic of note beyond gunplay was the ability, acquired about midway through, allowing the player to transform into a Mutant, with a whole host of unique abilities, including enhanced vision and the ability to spread parasites.

A remake of their 1995 title, developer Midway tried to relaunch the franchise in 2007 with a very loosely related follow-up using the Area 51 name. They managed, in the process, to remove all the charm. Three tries, two hits: returning to the source could spell success. Fourth time's the charm...


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.