10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

6. The Darkness

the suffering
Starbreeze Studios

The Darkness, especially its first outing, was a dark and interesting game. It is the sort of franchise that could most assuredly benefit from the increased power on offer these days to reach its full potential.

Based on the comics published by Top Cow Productions, The Darkness and its 2012 sequel followed Jackie Estacado who, on the night of his 21st birthday, finds himself possessed by The Darkness (voiced magnificently by Mike Patton), an ancient malevolent force that has dogged his family for generations.

Both games in the series were very different from each other, yet both were well received (personally, I by far prefer the first). Interestingly, both titles came in for the same criticism: they were far too short.

Returning to the franchise would allow the developer to unleash the Darkness as intended, with the increased power of machines these days letting the Darklings and other powers have the full reign they deserve. At the same time, redress the brevity of both pre-existing games.

People liked The Darkness, they just wanted more of it.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.