10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

5. Dino Crisis

the suffering

It took Resident Evil four games to transition from survival horror to action horror, then another two to cement the transition from action horror to just a bit silly. Dino Crisis managed this horror-to-action-to-silly arc in three games.

Considering how Resident Evil managed to reinvigorate itself after it lost its way, I can see no reason why Dino Crisis couldn't do the same and make a triumphant return to our systems.

Created by Shinji Mikami, the series can be quickly summed up as 'Resident Evil but Dinosaurs,' however as descriptive as that is, it does the series a disservice. The first and second entries are excellent narrative-driven survival horror titles, though the second is more action oriented.

For the present purpose, we ought to ignore Dino Crisis 3; I'm sure it will have its fans, but it managed to derail the whole franchise.

SORT Agent Regina, effectively the main character, was an excellent protagonist, and one standout amongst some cracking writing. The dinosaur horror was also rather unique as well, leaving the impression that so much more could be done with Dino Crisis, if only the chance was taken.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.