10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

4. Alone In The Dark

the suffering

It's sad to consider that mishandling of the IP has meant that one of gaming's pioneering franchises has fell to the wayside. Ditching the ridiculous pseudo-cinematic schtick of the 2008 reboot, and going back to its weird survival horror roots could bless us with a return of the Old Master.

It's frustrating to look over the history of Alone in the Dark and see the pattern of striking success whenever horror is the focus, with middling to disastrous results whenever a more cinematic or action emphasis is attempted. And yet, especially in its first few outings, Alone in the Dark was one of the medium's finest.

The mystery horror heart of the franchise is brimming with deliciously dark potential, with the franchise having previously taken some well considered risks with its spooky subject matter, from more traditional ghostliness to more esoteric Wild West fare (the 3rd instalment).

There's a lot that could be done with Alone in the Dark, if only the right approach was adopted. And if any franchise is deserving a comeback, it must be so historical a one as Alone in the Dark.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.