10 Video Game Franchises Dying For A Comeback

3. Silent Hill

the suffering

It seems especially galling, in light of the considerable success of Resident Evil following its recent renaissance, that Silent Hill still wallows in video game purgatory. The painful demise of Silent Hills and P.T. is a reminder that this franchise could return to its former prominence with all the acclaim it deserves if only it would be given the chance.

The comparison Resident Evil is assuredly apt; both franchises hail from the same era of gaming and are two heavyweights of the horror genre. Yet unlike Resi, Silent Hill never quite adapted to a more action-oriented gameplay, sticking far more firmly to its psychological horror roots (even if some of the later, Western developed entries half-heartedly inserted more set pieces).

Considering the success with which Resident Evil has reinvigorated itself by tapping into the dark well of tense horror, resurrecting Silent Hill's admittedly more subtle, thematically disquieting style would balance the majority of offerings on the market.

P.T. demonstrated how Silent Hill could make a modern comeback and it remains, as far I'm concerned, only a matter of time before the foggy environs return.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.