10 Video Game Franchises Nobody Admits To Liking

9. The Sims

Call Of Duty Duke Nukem The Sims

What Everyone Says: "Why don't you go outside and actually live your life, rather than simulating it?"

The Sims had a massive novelty factor when it first launched way back in 2000, giving players the ability to fashion the perfect digital life for themselves no matter how terrible things were going in reality.

It was, as most games are, pure escapism, though it's also fair to say that its appeal ran out relatively quickly, and only the dedicated few would pour hours and hours per day into it.

Years passed and EA flooded the market with an absurd number of expansions that diluted the brand and in turn made it decidedly unfashionable. What initially had a broad appeal across demographics was now a dirty little secret, the mere discussion of which among fellow gamers is met with firm sniggers.

You're a "filthy casual" if you so much as consider playing any of the new Sims games, because they're what your 8-year-old sister loves playing, right?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.