10 Video Game Franchises That Desperately Need Reboots

7. Bully

Dino Crisis

Rockstar has grown up quite a bit since Bully. Red Dead Redemption 2 in particular was clearly them showcasing their more mature approach to game development, but even Grand Theft Auto V, while full of more typical Rockstar craziness, had a more put together feel which focussed on narrative.

While rumours of Bully 2 did surface last year and seem to be legitimate, this subtle change in direction means its likely to be a bit of a reboot for the series overall.

Rockstar have previously mentioned reluctance to make another GTA right now, citing the difficult to satirise these already ridiculous times we live in. Taking a more buttoned down approach to Bully though could offer an outlet.

The first game was forced to change its name at the height of happy slapping in the UK to Canis Canem Edit, but didn’t put you into the shoes of a bully as many feared. Instead, as Jimmy you were just a rough kid trying to survive boarding school.

A sequel could delve into this more pragmatic approach and shine a GTA V style lens on modern day school life.

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Dino Crisis
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)