10 Video Game Franchises That Need To Die

8. Total War

Witcher 3 blood and wine ending
Creative Assembly

This series has been hit-and-miss for years.

The first few releases of the Total War series shocked players with its epic nature. Gamers were offered the chance to rule the known world, and it was no surprise that the series gained a strong following. Things started getting shaky with the release of the bug-ridden Total War: Empire.

Shogun 2 was a great game, in spite of the simplistic campaign pitting near-identical factions against one another. It created the impression that the prior releases were merely a fly in the ointment. Then Rome 2 happened. With shoddy AI and unwelcome changes to the user interface, it looked like a simple .

While there have been recent improvements in the latest shift towards the Warhammer universe, it looks more akin to a cash-in attempt than a desire to make a good game. Players were actively limited in the main goal of taking over territories, which was a core tenant of every game since the series began.

The biggest problem with the Total War series is that it completely controls its market segment. It can afford to lose players, which means it isn't as accountable to its base as other games in a more competitive environment. While it's unlikely that this series ever will end, it most certainly should.

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The Witcher
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They don't let me write here anymore. I think they were put off by my handlebar moustache.