10 Video Game Heroes Having The WORST Day
2. Conker's Bad Fur Day

Hangovers suck, don't they? That lovely little reminder of the dangers of imbibing too much of the devil's water, I can't remember anyone ever saying, "I had the best hangover today".
Most of us have some Lucozade, a bacon butty and try not to move, all the while hoping for either it or us to pass.
Consider yourself lucky that you don't have to deal with a war against Nazi teddy bears, a singing pile of crap or a panther king that wants to use your body as a table leg.
Okay, the cynical do-gooders will say it's Conker's own fault for drinking so much in the first place, but that's a separate issue. Most of us are content with finding a bed or something equally comfortable to lie on so we can wake up in one piece.
The poor little bugger gets all of this thrust upon him when most of would just cope with a swift death, but he doesn't get that lucky. Worse still, his girlfriend cops it instead.
Should have picked that day to quit drinking.