10 Video Game Ideas We're GLAD Got Cut
5. The Host Monster - Evolve

Say what you will about the failure of Evolve, but this monster vs hunters game led to many hours of fun for those who picked it up. Part of the fun was the variety of the monsters you could play as. Do you want hulking strength? Pick the Behemoth. Speed and stealth? Hit the Wraith up. Fire breath and power? Go Goliath. You get the idea.
However, while the reliable tactics of those beasts made sense, how does flinging AI minions and letting them do all the work sound? Not so fun, right? Well, it nearly happened.
The Host was a scrapped monster that would have featured a unique combat approach. Rather than relying on its own strength, it would have summoned various parasites to send into battle against the hunters.
Now, the idea of having little minions do your bidding sounds fun, but dear god, this monster would have sucked. It, by design, would have had you relying on NPCs to win. What's the point of playing as a big monster and letting little monsters do the smashing? You're a big monster - just smash.