10 Video Game Inventions That Were Obviously Going To Kill You

4. Working Joes - Alien: Isolation

Atomic Heart
Creative Assembly

It simply isn't possible to be a fan of the Alien franchise and still have any faith whatsoever in androids. Sorry, Bishop.

Early on in Alien: Isolation, we're introduced to Working Joes, a series of basic model androids encountered onboard the Sevastopol space station.

And while they initially seem passively harmless enough, that gravelly voice has an undeniably sinister undercurrent to it. You should definitely listen to your gut on this one.

Because of course, you eventually end up facing off against the Working Joes once their governing AI, APOLLO, goes postal.

At this point, the Joes are extremely violent adversaries programmed to protect the Xenomorph by any means necessary, ensuring they put up one hell of a fight.

The Joes become a major obstacle later in the game - or major annoyance to many - due to the strength of their attacks and general resistance. And yet even early on, their bland artificial exterior can't persuade that they're not eventually going to break bad and try to kill you.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.