10 Video Game Little Guys Who Had No Right To Win

9. Claptrap (Borderlands 2)

Despite only becoming a playable character in the third game (the upcoming Pre-Sequel), Claptrap is comfortably the mascot of the Borderlands series. The hilarious/annoying (depending on your own view) one-wheeled robot appears as a support character in both games with a more prominent role in Borderlands 2 which sees him overcome his own trials and tribulations. As the main source of comic relief, Claptrap often gets into silly situations which require the player to rescue him or aid him in some manner. For example, at the very beginning of the game, Claptrap's eye gets stolen by a monster and the player is tasked with rescuing it for him so he can stop bumping into walls. Even with full visibility, Claptrap is pretty useless in the world of Pandora; his cowardly nature doesn't help much in a world that's full of blood-hungry monsters. Still, Claptrap somehow manages to recruit a group of Vault Hunters into his service (that's you, in case you were wondering) and under his tutelage, the player kills Captain Flynt, a pirate captain who had captured and tortured Claptrap prior to Borderlands 2's opening. So, despite possessing no physical strengths and seemingly little intellect, Claptrap manages to recruit a taskforce to eliminate his enemy and claim a victory within the world of Pandora. Quite how this guy manages to survive is just one of Pandora's many mysteries.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.