If gaming ever needs a hero character that it can champion as an underdog, look no further than Abe from Abe's Oddysee; he's basically the video game Rocky Balboa. As a member of the Mudokon race, Abe is a slave in a meat processing factory and when he stumbles into a meeting where his Glukkon overlord announces his intentions to slaughter the Mudokons and turn them into a meat popsicle product, Abe is forced to take action. Has there ever been a more unlikely hero in any work of fiction before though? Like most Mudokons, Abe is slow, clumsy and somewhat lacking in the intelligence department. He's a simple being (hence why the Glukkons exploited the Mudokons in the first place) and Abe's Oddysee begins with a scene of our hero fleeing in terror. It's fair to say that he's a bit of a coward. Still, the Mudokons plight inspires Abe and as he witnesses more and more tragedy, he becomes more driven to free his people and end their sorrow. He never fully transforms into a classic heroic figure but that actually aids Abe's Oddysee's story more; it's a tale of the little guy triumphing without compromising who he is. Never before has a character who can fart on command been so inspiring.
I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.