10 Video Game Mechanics That Make No Sense

1. Monsters Carrying Loot

Assassin's Creed

There are three sure things in life - death, taxes, and loot in video games.

Loot isn't exactly something new - video games have rewarded players with useful pickups for defeating enemies in RPGs for decades, but there's definitely been a trend towards engineering games around the loot grind in recent years.

Whether you enjoy hoovering up loot or not, does it really make sense to kill a giant gelatinous monster and for it to drop items that only a humanoid could conceivably use? More to the point, where would an unclothed monster even keep all that stuff?

Ultimately it's just another part of a game's attempt to carrot-and-stick players, giving them a material reward for killing an enemy and so in turn making that action feel more "meaningful."

There's no more reason for a creature to drop a shield or some currency upon death than there is a spider you kill in your bathroom to cough up some coins.

It's silly, but we all love the dopamine hit that comes with scooping up that sweet, sweet, sometimes-glowing loot.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.