10 Video Game Mechanics That Make No Sense

2. Crouching Makes You Move More Quietly

Assassin's Creed

One of the most common gameplay elements of stealth-action games is a crouching mechanic which will make you move more quietly while approaching enemies.

While it makes sense that crouching makes you less visible and more compact to enemies, the sound argument doesn't really hold much water.

For starters, why would you really be any quieter just crouching down but putting the same weight on your feet? Test it out for yourself - there's no difference.

Secondly, crouch-walking for miles on end would absolutely destroy your knees and probably set you up for a later life defined by debilitating osteoporosis. It isn't a combat strategy viable for long-term use.

In reality it makes more sense to just walk at the same slow speed as the crouch - you'd make the same amount of noise but without subjecting yourself to enormous bodily strain.

If Solid Snake, Sam Fisher, Aloy, and the various Assassin's Creed protagonists were real people, they'd need a physiotherapist on speed dial.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.