10 Video Game Mechanics That Make No Sense

5. Eating Food Heals Horrible Wounds

Assassin's Creed
2K Games

This mechanic at least has the good sense to be kinda funny and charming, even though it's no less nonsensical than anything else on this list.

If you find yourself gravely wounded in a game, logic dictates that you need to find a health pack and patch yourself up. But for decades video games have offered a magic alternative - just eat something.

Now, it is admittedly important to keep yourself fed: you need energy to do a day's fighting, and in reality a malnourished person isn't going to recover from their injuries very quickly.

But so, so many video games - especially RPGs and action-adventure games - take this to parodic levels by allowing you to restore your health simply by chowing down or taking a drink.

Hilariously, gobbling up a hot dog or chugging a bottle of Staminan (looking at you, Yakuza) can make your grim battle wounds go away completely and miraculously nurse you back to full health.

You can be seconds away from death and have your life saved by even the most basic, terrible food item in your inventory.

Obviously crappy, rudimentary foods tend to heal the player less, but it's an amusing video game cliche that's stuck around for a long, long time. Just imagine if eating a McRib could cure your broken leg in real life.

It makes no sense but people kinda like it, so it's probably not going anywhere.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.