10 Video Game Mechanics That Make No Sense

4. Reloading Your Gun Magically Refills Half-Empty Magazines

Assassin's Creed

In the overwhelming majority of shooters if you reload your gun mid-way through a magazine, that half-empty magazine won't remain in your inventory somewhere but instead be magically refilled the moment you hit reload.

In reality of course a half-empty mag will remain half-empty unless you go to the effort of redistributing the bullets yourself, which just isn't practical in the middle of a tense gunfight.

Though there are a few video games which actively track the bullet count in each individual magazine, such as some of the Rainbow Six games, the overwhelming majority of shooters opt instead for magic reloading, where any half-empty mag will just be fully refilled the moment you hit the reload button.

Ultimately developers understandably assume that most players wouldn't want to deal with the busy-work of juggling a bunch of half-full magazines during a firefight, as would make shooting a lot less fun.

It works for shooters focused on intense, meticulous realism, but otherwise it'd just be a boring impediment. It may not make much sense, but in the interest of fun it's totally worth it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.