10 Video Game Moments Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

1. Nintendo’s Hidden Sex Toys

Candy Kong

This one tops the list because it’s so undeniably crude and it crops up not in one game, but two. For such a family friendly games company, Nintendo managed to slip an incredibly filthy Easter Egg into two adventures that probably went over most kids’ head the first time they played.

Although many games encourage you to explore everywhere you can, neither Birdo and Princess Peach will thank you for it. In Super Mario RPG, Mario finds ‘something’ hidden in Peach’s room, drawing her ire as she shouts at him for snooping. We never see what it is, but there’s only so many embarrassing things you’d keep in a cupboard by your bed. A Westlife poster maybe? It was 1996, after all.

For Birdo, it’s a fairly similar story. Just a little more graphic. In Captain Rainbow, you enter Birdo’s room and see her pillow vibrating. If you lift the pillow, the item is censored. But it’s definitely not a vibrating Westlife poster.

Some on this list have been subtle little nods that kids might not have even realised were there. These ones though would have had parents fumbling for explanations to any questions their kids might have asked.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)