10 Video Game Moments You Couldn't Win

1. John's Last Stand - Red Dead Redemption (2010)

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Throughout Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption, players set out across the developer’s vision of turn of the century America as grizzled outlaw John Marston on a mission to track down his former gang mates. With his family held ransom by Pinkerton agents who want to eradicate what remains of the gang, this task is all that stands between John and the quiet life he's always wanted.

After many hours of gunslinging and helping a collection of eccentric strangers, John is eventually reunited with his family at their small ranch. From here, players get to enjoy activities like hunting with John’s son and herding cattle. Unfortunately, this newfound tranquility doesn’t last for long.

Just as John begins to settle into his new life, the Pinkertons arrive to finish what they started, with John being their last target.

Barely surviving the initial shootout, John’s only option is to buy time for his loved ones to escape. As John heads out to face the agents, the game enters Dead Eye mode, giving players a chance to kill his tormentors for good.

Regardless of how fast players are, however, it's impossible to shoot all the agents, with the inevitable outcome watching John being gunned down in a devastating cutscene.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.