10 Video Game Moments You Couldn't Win

6. Seath The Scaleless - Dark Souls (2011)

elder brain baldurs gate
Bandai Namco

Everyone who’s heard of FromSoftware’s Soulsborne games will be aware of how punishing they can be, especially when it comes to the bosses. No matter how many times these challenging foes annihilate players, though, the tough but fair design means that, with enough practice and preparation, victory is never too far out of reach.

However, one boss that doesn’t subscribe to this philosophy is the first encounter with Seath The Scaleless.

A powerful dragon proficient in crystal magic, this boss is found in The Duke’s Archives in the latter part of the game. Upon reaching the tell-tale fog gate, players will steel themselves for the fight ahead. However, even the most skilled players won't succeed here.

Even if players somehow manage to survive Seath’s devastating magical attacks, they’ll soon discover that he’ll also regain any damage that players manage to deal to him

Unlike other boss fights, dying to Seath at this point is the only way to progress the game, with players respawning inside the Archives' prison afterwards..

Although this boss encounter is the only one in the game that can be described as unfair, it won't be much longer until players get to take on Seath in a proper fight.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.