10 Video Game Moments You Couldn't Win

5. Zeus - God Of War II (2007)

elder brain baldurs gate
Sony Computer Entertainment

Despite his more recent outings showing him to be a more responsible and wiser father figure, Kratos from the God Of War franchise is nevertheless best known for his ability to pulverize anyone standing in his way.

Despite his knack for slaying titans and gods, there was one exception, and that was Zeus in God Of War 2.

Following the events of the first game, this entry opens with Kratos on his way to Mount Olympus to put an end to the pantheon for good when he's tricked by Zeus into relinquishing his godly powers. 

It's at this point when Kratos, now mortal and on the verge of death, is forced to go up against the King of Olympus in a battle that he's doomed to lose.

In his weakened state, all Kratos can do is limply move around the arena while any attacks that players manage to land do no damage. Players then watch helplessly as Zeus thrusts a giant sword into the hero's chest, sending him to the underworld and kicking-off the rest of the game.

Unfortunately, players would have to wait until God Of War 3 before they'd finally get to enact satisfying revenge on this Greek god.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.