10 Video Game Openings That Pissed Everyone Off
8. Awful CGI - Snatcher
Because of the whirlwind success of the Metal Gear franchise, it seems that many gamers might not be aware of Kojima’s incredibly interesting earlier work.
Snatcher, which only released outside of Japan on Sega CD, has a superbly consistent tone. It manages to combine ideas from Blade Runner, Terminator and Invasion of the Body Snatchers into a game that feels like Kojima’s foundations for his future success. Teetering perfectly on the line of bright neon colours and dark, imposing plot twists; to this day it maintains an early 90s adventure game charm that is hard to deny.
When the game was ported forward to PlayStation and Sega Saturn however, an additional scene was dropped in before the game began. Overzealous developers were clearly too excited about the prospect of 3D full motion video to step back and look at what they had wrought. The resulting 90 seconds is not just tonally inappropriate for Snatcher, it’s likely to be the ugliest piece of CG you’ll ever see.
Like many of Kojima’s works, Snatcher is a moody tribute to American cinema so turning the game on to see Weeble-like charicatures of Gillian and Jamie just robs the game of its majesty. Japanese fans who picked up a copy hoping to support this sorely underrated title were rewarded with this affront to human eyeballs.