10 Video Game Plagues That Would Destroy The World

5. Bloaty Head - Theme Hospital

last of us

While we often remark people as being big headed, it’s not often that the statement is stapled to someone with a literal big head. Theme Hospital took that famous saying and turned it into a real life disease.

Contracted by sniffing cheese and drinking un-purified rainwater, the victim’s head expands to abnormally large levels, causing major discomfort.

Still, despite all of this, it’s hilarious to witness.

While it’s funny to watch, it’s probably a completely different story to possess the same set of symptoms. I imagine even the simplest of tasks such as walking through a door are made borderline impossible without a canister of grease.

The cure is just as unpleasant, which involves the patients head being popped and reinflated like a balloon to the correct size.

Fascinating to watch, but probably not how you want to spend your evening after delightfully sniffing away at your cheese collection.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.