10 Video Game Plagues That Would Destroy The World

4. The Genophage - Mass Effect

last of us

Possibly the most brutal entry on this list is the Genophage, which has shocking repercussions to its victims. Originating as a biological weapon in Mass Effect, it was deployed to slow the birthrate on a species known as Krogans during an on going war.

This is probably the harshest form of birth control on the market and one that could cause absolute pandemonium in a real-life setting. While the affliction doesn’t necessarily reduce the fertility in females, it does lower the chances of pregnancy.

What does that mean for us? Well, it would mean our civilisation would slowly decrease into nothing as time went on. So yeah, it’s not great and definitely not something that would have any positive effects on us all.

So next time you score and you’re not in the baby making game, maybe just use viable forms of protection and not weapons of mass destruction like this, okay?


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.