10 Video Game Plot-Holes You Can't Ignore
9. Fallout 3 - Little Lamplight Should Not Exist

Little Lamplight is a great idea. A society of children, living by themselves, by their own rules, and succeeding, is not something you see everyday, especially not in a hostile, radioactive wasteland.
The society is kept youthful by a simple rule – anyone who turns 16 is booted out. That’s interesting, sure, but according to lore this society has existed for over 200 years.
How? There aren’t many people around and so newborns are few. Worse, slavers who deal in children roam the wasteland, so runaways aren’t likely to make it to Little Lamplight, even assuming they even know it exists.
There is another option: the old hanky panky among the Lamplighters themselves. A human female can, technically, fall pregnant at age 13. But when the parents of the newborn – assuming the mother survives – are kicked out three years later, the child is left an orphan.
That’s not good for anyone’s mental health, never mind someone at the tender age of three. So how do children, not famed for their patience, raise the newborns, never mind deal with the psychological trauma?
The Fallout universe is weird in general, but even for Fallout this stretches believability a tad too far.