10 Video Game Power-Ups That Got You Killed
7. Rocket Launcher - Doom (Series)
When gamers are asked about the deadliest adversaries in Doom, the majority will mention the usual suspects - Arachnotron. Mancubus. The Cyberdemon.
However, there's one bugger that everyone forgets about: the rocket launcher.
Naturally, you might find this suggestion absurd. After all, this mega-boomstick has saved your hide time and time again. You're sure to equip your trusty launcher anytime you encounter a Cacodemon or a Baron of Hell.
The rocket launcher may be among the most powerful weapons in Doom, but that doesn't change the fact everyone has died by their own hands while mishandling it. If you are too close to a wall or an enemy while firing a rocket, the blast will kill you or take off a sizeable chunk of health. When demons get too close to comfort, you can launch a missile without thinking, blowing yourself to smithereens.
This problem occurs regularly while facing Lost Souls. If you shoot a missile at a flaming skull in the distance, it looks like there's no chance of being caught in the blast. But if the Soul spots you, it'll zoom forward at phenomenal speed. If you fire your weapon while it's barrelling ahead, the rocket will detonate right in front of you, turning Doomguy to ash.