10 Video Game Pre Orders That Were Actually Awesome
8. Infamous Second Son (GameStop Italy)

Aside from the woefully underwhelming Knack and relatively mediocre Killzone Shadowfall, Suckerpunch’s Infamous Second Son was to be the PlayStation 4’s first big hit. Playing as edgy, punk-rock kid Delsin Rowe, the player is granted a vibrant Seattle, Washington playground and a whole host of new abilities to experiment with.
There is simply no way that zipping across the map using smoke, video and neon powers could disappoint, so naturally those who were counting down the days to release were happy to reserve it ahead of time.
PS4 owners in Italy were in for a surprise when their copy arrived in March 2014, as the pre-order bonus they were greeted with was two cans of energy drink and a pack of glow in the dark condoms.
It’s still not clear why these obscure items were selected, as (thankfully!) neither feature anywhere in the game’s runtime. While the swag so graciously given to players in Italy was a little strange to say the least, they were, I’m sure, useful - something that can’t be said for most pre-order bonuses nowadays.
Stay safe out there, friends.