10 Video Game Problems That Piss EVERYONE Off

9. Audio Diaries Cut Off By Gameplay

Bioshock Infinite

Ever since the original Bioshock, audio diaries have become an industry-standard way to flesh out a game's world. Hearing the personal thoughts and musings of characters, news broadcasts, and interviews is a great way to help deepen the setting and make it feel alive.

Additionally, it gives you the benefit of absorbing this information without grinding gameplay to a halt with a wall of text. You can listen while you shoot guys and solve puzzles and do all sorts of video-gamey tasks. A beautiful union of world building and convenience.

So why, in practice, are they more often really inconvenient?

How many times have you picked up an audio diary, began listening to it while playing the game, and then some gameplay or narrative trigger stops the thing mid-track. And now, after dealing with whatever the game just put in front of you, you have to go back into your inventory and listen to it again.

Or, if you expect a game to do this, you have to stop in your tracks to listen to the whole thing before proceeding. Either way, the inconvenience of lore exposition halting gameplay has come needlessly full circle, just because of bad pacing.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.