10 Video Game Puzzles NOBODY Figured Out

8. Wait… Braille? – Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire

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Because the random encounters in Pokemon can get repetitive, each instalment is sprinkled with a couple of brainteasers. Since the franchise's demographic is kids, the sections that require you to use a bit of grey matter are pretty rudimentary. Even when these puzzles are tricky, using your noggin' is more fun than grinding against the same monsters for hours on end.

But even the most dedicated Nintendo fans would rather face an army of Mewtwos armed only with Magikarp than venture into The Sealed Chamber in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. If you wish to obtain the Regi-trio, you'll need to head into this hidden cave and decipher a code in braille.

In theory, this section should be easy. Once you write down what letter each marking stands for, the answer should reveal itself. But because it's unclear which markings represent commas and full stops, it's hard to figure out what the message means, even if you deciphered the letters.

If you read the markings with perfect punctuation, it's still confusing, since the clues are awful. One hint reads, "Wait for time to pass twice." which means you're meant to stand still for two minutes. (Why does unsolvable puzzles always involve standing still??) Considering how difficult it is to reach this area and decode these markings, it would've been nice if the instructions were clearer.

This section endured so much scrutiny from the fanbase, Game Freak had the braille simplified when the updated version, Pokemon Emerald, was released.


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