10 Video Game Puzzles NOBODY Figured Out

7. Unlocking Liu Kang - Mortal Kombat: Deception

mortal kombat havik
NetherRealm Studios

Mortal Kombat: Deception was the first instalment in the franchise to have an open-world mode called Konquest. Upon your travels, you'll find treasure chests dotted around each world, which contain art, music, money, outfits, and most importantly, playable characters.

However, the caskets containing kombatants are much tougher to find, since they only exist for a few seconds per day. Even if you know precisely where one of these chests are, it will only be there at a specific time. If you don't open the case within that timeframe, you'll need to try again the following day. You can meditate to speed up time to avoid waiting around for hours, but it's still a very annoying method to unlock characters.

So how do you find out when and where these caskets appear?

And the short answer is - you don't. You are given no clues on the location or time of these chests appearing, meaning most players will find them by being at the right place at the right time, rather than relying on deduction or skill.

But because Liu Kang is the combatant that players desired the most, the developers deliberately made the casket to unlock him exceptionally difficult to find. You see, his chest doesn't appear once per day - it appears... once per week! The chances of stumbling upon that exact spot at the exact second on the right day is one in a million.


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