10 Video Game Puzzles NOBODY Figured Out

6. The Peanuts - Grim Fandango

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Like most adventure games, Grim Fandango doesn't take place in a world shaped by logic. To reach The Petrified Forest, you need to steal a seagull's eggs. If you want the correct numbers for the ticket printer to come up, you'll need to track down a picture of cats.

And if you're looking for rocket fuel, you better stock up on peanuts because... we all know how combustible peanuts are... apparently.

Even if you somehow drew this conclusion, turning peanuts into fuel is not straightforward. You need to insert these munchable legumes inside a mug before placing it beside the toaster. You then have to put oily rags inside the toaster, causing it to catch on fire.

When the mechanic dashes in, he'll try to put the flames out with a fire extinguisher. But as every science teacher in the world knows, this chemical reaction magically transforms the flammable nuts into rocket fuel.

Look, we all know Grim Fandango is regarded as among the most underrated point-and-click titles of all time. But while performing head-scratchers like this, you can't help screaming, "How was I meant to figure that out?"


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