10 Video Game Puzzles NOBODY Figured Out

5. Crossword – The Samaritan Paradox

mortal kombat havik
Faravid Interactive

The Samaritan Paradox follows a cryptologist called Ord investigating the apparent suicide of author, Jonathan Bergwall. Throughout the case, Ord is hounded by many questions. Did Bergwall actually kill himself? Does his daughter know more than she's letting on?

And most importantly, how was the player expected to solve that frickin' crossword section? During your investigation, you'll come across a boat owner who will help with the case, but only after he completes his crossword. (Not sure why that takes priority.)

After Ord helps with the crossword, he notices there's only one clue left - the detective's name from Bergwall’s novels. Naturally, the most logical thing to do is to explore the most likely places where Bergwall's books would be.

But if you investigate the library or the writer's office, you'll find zip. The only place you can find the book is... a random pub. If you go up to the hunched over customer by the table, you'll notice he's reading the book you were looking for. (Because it's impossible to see what this NPC is reading, most players discover this by accident.)

But you're not done! To make this section more innane, this guy won't show you his copy unless you give him money, (but only the specific coins you find in the bar's couch). After he steps away from his table to use the coins for the jukebox, you can swipe his book and finally learn the character's name.

Was it worth it? Not in the slightest.


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