10 Video Game Remakes Fans Won’t Allow

8. Devil May Cry

From the very first teaser, people absolutely hated Capcom's 2013 reboot of the Devil May Cry series. There was some real venom being thrown around about the game and all because Capcom dared to change the series up a little bit. In particular Dante - the demonic hero - went under a huge overhaul; almost every stylish detail was stripped away in favour of a younger, more rough 'n tumble look.

A second game in the new reboot series is almost inevitable but can you imagine Capcom announcing that they plan to remake the first game in the new style? Fans would go mental. It's not entirely inconceivable either; the reboot didn't sell too well and a remake would be an easy way for Capcom to turn the series profitable again, at the small, tiny cost of upsetting a large majority of the fanbase.

It's a shame because the rebooted game was actually great fun; if people would simply look beyond the change in style, they would find a game that's still loaded with great gameplay. A remake of the original Devil May Cry with the new combat systems and an updated, re-imagined version of Mallet Island would actually be well worth a play... It'll never happen though as a series of furious, new-Dante hating fans would tear Capcom down first.


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.