10 Video Game Remakes Fans Won’t Allow

7. The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past

If you were to ask people to name their favourite Zelda game, the vast majority would say Ocarina Of Time. You might also hear a few people vote for Wind Waker or Majora's Mask but A Link To The Past would probably follow closely behind. Regardless, it's easily the best of the pre-3D Zelda games and it's up there as one of the finest titles on the entire SNES. Even more importantly though, it absolutely never needs a remake.

While it's uniqueness has been compromised somewhat by the Zelda titles that came after, A Link To The Past is still an intriguing and challenging game. It was the first Zelda to introduce two parallel worlds - a Light and a Dark world - which the player had to travel between to solve certain puzzles and it was also the first Zelda title to feature key items like the Ocarina, the Master Sword and the Hookshot. It's legacy speaks for itself.

As a result, A Link To The Past is one of those games that simply doesn't need changing at all. Sure, you could make it shinier but it still looks great today; what would be the point? The game actually had a successor released last year on the 3DS - A Link Between Worlds - hopefully indicating that, while acknowledging just how important the game is, Nintendo are only interested in using it for inspiration. Some people might like to see a complete 3D remake of A Link To The Past but it's simply unnecessary; let it lie in peace in the Gaming Hall Of Fame.


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.